Love it. There's on old British sitcom called Keeping Up Appearances. Finds humor in exactly this premise. The main characters' surname is Bucket, pronounced bouquet. Next level effort to project sophistication. Thanks Ryan.

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That’s hilarious, Mike. I love shows that poke fun at ourselves and behavior. Appreciate your comment.

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Thank you for this piece, Ryan. It spoke to me in many ways, as "appearances" are something I have spent considerable time reinforcing in my life, including my clothes, shoes, car, home, and even work. Trying to let go of appearances and stop caring what others think is difficult because I constructed my actions to gain their validation. Alas, my experience is that relief comes by working on the inside (cleaning out the drawers) and learning to love yourself. For me, the first step was finding ways to silence the inner critic (not easy!). I use affirmations and a daily journal to remind me of my worth and contemplate my journey. I make choices in my life that affirm my values. I have yet to realize the holy grail of not caring what others think of me, but the importance has dropped significantly, and it ranks well behind how I feel about myself. Progress, not perfection!

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This is awesome to hear, and I’m so glad you shared it. Really good inner work on many levels. As you say, not easy…but the freedom is so worth it. Keep loving and accepting yourself.

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Hello there Ryan thank you for posting this. I read through it and it made me feel a lot better because I’ve been going through a lot with my mental health and I tried scheduling a call with you but it’s not working for some reason? so I was wondering if there way that I can schedule a call. because I would like to get into therapy again and this post made me want to try it again. Unfortunately my money situation is making me push back my therapy session.

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Crucial piece, Ryan. Loved it.

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Always grateful for your feedback, Daryl. Thank you.

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Great job.

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Thanks, Susan. 🤗

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Hi Kamryn. I’m happy to hear reading this left you feeling better, but I’m sorry to hear about your mental health. I will send you a DM.

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