Intriguing insights here, Ryan.

I never thought about the idea of overpopulation being squelched by capitalism, but your argument makes sense to me.

Definitely something I’ll be meditating on!

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It’s funny, Jimmy. I’ve been thinking about this topic for years and felt compelled to write something, even though it’s unrelated to personal well-being. Thanks for your feedback and for indulging my curiosity. :o)

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This is spot on! As a childfree woman I can back this up;) My two cats are my kids. I will also add that infertility is dropping significantly due to environmental factors (ie Microplastics). Another way Capitalism is Cannibalising itself... the Universe always knows how to rebalance things!

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Ah, two cats, you know! The drop in fertility rates is frightening, but as you say, the Universe knows how to rebalance things. Eckhardt Tolle refers to global warming as a "fever" to help eliminate the virus. Appreciate your comment.

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Jun 6Liked by Ryan Delaney

Math was never my strong point in school. But I’ve come to value the concept of equation the longer I live. I think one of the greatest challenges to understanding the equation of the world we currently live in is there are so many factors. It’s easy to say 2+2 = 4, but the bigger question is have we discovered all of the factors that are part of the equation. What if the correct equation is actually 2+2+5-3 ? Suddenly the answer is very different.

I think the solution of keep observing is good counsel. We live in very challenging times for sure but at the same time unlimited possibilities.

One thing I am certain of, is that the universe ultimately brings balance, which for me provides stability and hope in the midst of great unknown. Thank you for another thought provoking essay encouraging us to continue to advance! Blessings!

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I appreciate your thoughtful comment, Wayne, and I agree with you 100%. I had fun writing about a topic I’ve been thinking about for some time, knowing that determining cause and effect of something as complex as declining birthrates is impossible. Still, I enjoy the process of observing (as you wrote), contemplating and trying to understand the world around me (and most of all, myself). Again, thanks for your thoughts.

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Jun 6Liked by Ryan Delaney

Yes! Viewing our world in terms of cause and effect is powerfully clarifying, and I believe somewhat rare! Probably why I enjoy your work. I like that you keep challenging us to out of the box living.!

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Makes me chuckle because it feels good to hear that I may be contributing to the conversation in some minuscule way. That’s my intention. Appreciate your thoughtfulness and support, Wayne.

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